Blessing of Hospice 

Blessing of Hospice 

The Blessing of Hospice  “Hospice is suicide!”  That’s what Dad said anytime the subject of death came up, which happened quite a lot in those last few years, especially since so many of his dear friends had died.  “I can’t...
Working Seniors

Working Seniors

“Should I Go Back to Work?” Sheila’s face said it all. In recent months Dina noted that her best friend rarely smiled and seemed out of sorts, sad and drained of enthusiasm.  Finally Dina broached the subject; “Sheila, what’s wrong. In all our years I’ve never...
Pets and Seniors

Pets and Seniors

The Impact of Pet Ownership for Seniors Their names are Scruffy, Ruffy, Midnight and Puddin’Pie. Then there’s Tuvia, Tova, Sheina and Butch.  These are the names of dogs and cats – pets whose owners I’ve come to know and love over the years that I served as...
Married Priests

Married Priests

Could Married Priests and Women Priests Revive the Catholic Church? “I remember when I lived in Brooklyn, my best girlfriend was Catholic, says Helen C., now in her 90’s.  “When we walked to school we’d pass her church, St. Lucy’s. Sometimes we’d stop to say...
Aging Parents

Aging Parents

The Talmud’s Take on Aging Parents When I was about ten years old I knew enough Italian from my immigrant parents to understand the particulars of a heated argument.  That day my father, who was about 50 years old at the time, was having “words” with his father,...